"Building Resilient Agri-Food Systems for Nutrition Security and Food Sovereignty "
International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment
ISAE 2024
will be held on 10th May 2024

Venue: University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE 2024)

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna,
Matara, Sri Lanka

Challenges and Context

Agriculture is perceived as a synchronous process that encompasses the lives and activities of every strata of society. Attempts to develop the agricultural food sector while ensuring the nutritional quality and availability of value-added healthy food products at affordable prices should therefore be considered as the main requirement for fulfilling food sovereignty and sustainability of resilient Agri-food systems in the country. In the process of technological advancement and Agricultural development, it seems to be a considerable threat to environmental sustainability. Moving towards a challenging era with inclement climatic conditions, global warming, and the spreading of pandemic diseases, the agriculture sector should be strengthened to ensure optimized crop/animal production and food security to cater to the demands of the human population. Therefore, a sound agricultural production plan combining different criteria under a set of constraints concerning various categories of land, labour, available capital, etc., is required. For which correct decision-making is a prerequisite. In this context, human resource development as a learning experience, especially education, training, and research, will be of utmost value to promote optimum agricultural production via skilled full employees.


The objective of this international symposium is to bring together national and international academics, researchers and professionals in agriculture, food and environmental sectors to discuss the challenges in the current agricultural context and to find out the capacity to recover swiftly from difficulties. Having recognized these challenges, the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna attempts to pave the way to resolve the issue collectively with the stakeholder community in the agriculture and the environment sectors. Faculty of Agriculture believes that, ISAE as our annual congregation platform which would be an ideal to initiate this movement. Hence, ISAE 2024 focuses on exploring the possibilities of establishing well-developed, systematic and long-lasting community-based sustainable approaches to secure the country with nutritional food and value additions through the technology transfer, training and collaborative research among multidisciplinary stake holders.

Important Dates

Call for Abstracts - 14th November 2023

Deadlines for Abstarct Submission - 15th January 2024 extended to 30th January 2024

Early Bird Registration Starts - 22nd March 2024

Regular Registration Starts - 26th April 2024 Now From 1st MAY 2024


Thematic Areas of ISAE 2024

    • Food Technology, Nutritional Sciences, Livestock Production and Aquaculture

    • Agricultural Economics, Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness

    • Crop production, Soil management, and Environmental Stewardship

    • Precision Agriculture: Navigating the Digital Landscape


Chief Guest - ISAE 2024

  • The Chief Guest

    His Excellency Badli Hisham Bin Adam

    Honourable High Commissioner of the Malaysia to Sri Lanka

    High Commission of Malaysia, Sri Lanka Ambassador of Malaysia to Republic of Maldives

  • The Guest of Honour

    Shri Harvinder Singh

    Honourable Consul General of India, Hambantota, Sri Lanka

Keynote speakers - ISAE 2024

  • Keynote Speaker- Inauguration session

    Dr Zhongxiang Fang

    Associate Professor in Food Processing

    School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences, The University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

    Dr. Zhongxiang Fang is an associate professor in food processing and preservation at the School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include the mechanisms of food processing technology on food quality and safety, food bioactive compounds, food active packaging, and plant protein-based meat analogues. He has published more than 250 papers, with an h-index of 58 and a total citation above 12,000. Dr Fang is a section editor-in-chief of Food Quality and Safety. He was the awardee of the 2022 Jack Kefford Award and 2023 Bruce Chandler Award of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology.

  • Crop Production, Soil Management, and Environmental Stewardship (Session I)

    Prof. Chih-Chuang Liaw

    National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN

    Dr. Chih-Chuang Liaw embarked on his academic journey in the field of bioactive natural products from Chinese herbal medicine during his doctoral studies. He collaborated with Professor Yang-Chang Wu at Kaohsiung Medical University from 1997 to 2004, and later with Professor Kuo-Hsiung Lee at the School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, during 2002-2003. This collaborative effort aimed to explore the therapeutic potential of traditional Chinese herbal remedies. Following his PhD, Dr. Liaw transitioned into academia, joining the faculty of the Department of Cosmetic Sciences at Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science from 2005 to 2006. During this period, his focus shifted towards the application of herbal medicine in cosmeceutical products. Subsequently, Dr. Liaw continued his academic pursuits at China Medical University, where he served as a faculty member in the Graduate Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry from 2006 to 2010. Here, his research delved into the bioactive constituents of Taiwanese folk medicine and ferns, contributing to the understanding of their medicinal properties. Since 2010, Dr. Liaw has been a vital member of the Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources at National Sun Yat-sen University. In this role, he has spearheaded research projects centered on the exploration of biofunctional natural products derived from marine microbes, with a particular focus on siderophores and antifouling agents. Throughout his career, Dr. Liaw's research efforts have been prolific, with over 90 publications in SCI-indexed journals. His ongoing research endeavors encompass elucidating the chemical foundations of marine organisms and microorganisms, as well as phytomedicine. Furthermore, he is actively involved in the modification of bioactive compounds for potential medicinal and industrial applications, thus bridging the gap between scientific discovery and practical implementation.

  • Crop Production, Soil Management, and Environmental Stewardship (Session II)

    Prof. Yasushi Mori

    Okayama University, Okayama, JAPAN

    Prof. Yasushi Mori is a Professor attached to the Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science. He got his Bachelor degree (Agriculture) in 1991, Master’s degree in 1993, and PhD (Agriculture) in 1999, from Kyoto University. In 1993, he joined Shimane University as an Assistant Professor. He spent the period 2001-2003 in UC Davis, Davis CA as a JSPS Research Fellow. In 2003, he became an Associate Professor in Shimane University. In 2012, he joined Graduate School of Environ. and Life Science, Okayama University as an Associate Professor, and in 2016, became a Professor. From 2019, he serves as the Vice-dean, Graduate School of Environ. and Life Science, Okayama University. He has expertise on Soil Science, Environmental Science, and Agricultural Land Conservation. His research interests go to recover the soil organic matter contents by using soil pore structure, reduce GHG emission by improving infiltration process, remediate contaminated soils, and reduce soil erosion by enhancing water holding properties of agricultural soils.

  • Agricultural Economics, Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness

    Prof. Naoki TOJO

    Hokkaido University, JAPAN

    Prof. Naoki Tojo is an Assistant professor in Hokkaido University. He is a Committee member/Vice Chair of Fisheries Science Committee, North Pacific Marine Science Organization: PICES (https://meetings.pices.int/members/committees/fis) and a Committee member of MOL Mauritius International Fund (https://www.mol-mauritius-fund.jp/en/). He obtained his M.S. in Fisheries Science from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (2006) and Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Hokkaido University (2009). His research fields are Development and Conservation Sciences with Aquatic Resources and ecosystems, Blue economy development and economics, Quantitative analyses with spatio-temporal perspectives while his technical expertise are related to Geographic Information System and Human dimensional research and education with field interviews and interactive activities. Since 2015, he is working in Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. Not only for researches, but also for international education/training. Further, in between 20\10-2015, he was working as a dispatched expert for the Project in Morocco as an Official Development Assistance (ODA) by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

  • Precision Agriculture: Navigating the Digital Landscape

    Senior Prof. Buddhi Marambe

    University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA

    Professor Buddhi Marambe obtained his B.Sc. degree in Agriculture from the University of Peradeniya (UOP), Sri Lanka, and M.Agr. & D.Agr. from the Hiroshima University, Japan. Being an academic at the Department of Crop Science of Faculty of Agriculture, UOP for more than 38 years, Professor Marambe is extensively involved in teaching, research and outreach in Wed Science, Climate Change Adaptation, and Climate-Smart Agriculture programmes conducted in Sri Lanka, especially focusing on the total food system. With more than 150 research publications, Prof. Marambe won the “Lifetime Achievement Award” from the International Weed Science Society (IWSS) in 2022, and Presidential Awards and National Research Council (NRC) Merit Awards in Sri Lanka for scientific research related to Agriculture and Food Security in several years. He was the Chairman and currently a member of the National Experts Committee on Climate Change Adaptation (NECCCA), and is the Chairman of the National Invasive Species Specialist Group (NISSG) of the Ministry of Environment. Professor Marambe has been the Lead Negotiator in the field of agriculture representing the Government of Sri Lanka at the Conference of Parties in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, for the past 11 years. While being an academic, he has served as a non-executive member in the Boards of several private sector organizations to provide technical advocacies on agricultural development, and in Councils/Executive Committee of many professional associations. Professor Marambe has provided his services as a consultant to the World Bank, ADB, EU, UNDP, FAO, WFP, UNEP, ICRAF, and CIAT on issues related to agriculture and climate change at national and international levels.

  • Food Technology, Nutritional Sciences, Livestock Production and Aquaculture (Session I)

    Prof. Raphael Mrode

    Scotland Rural College (SRUC), Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM

    Dr Raphael Mrode holds a joint position as Professor of Quantitative Genetics and genomics at the Scotland Rural College (SRUC), United Kingdom and Principal Scientist in Quantitative Dairy Cattle genetics at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya. He obtained his PhD from Edinburgh University on Animal Genetics and Breeding as a Commonwealth Scholar. He has been involved in the development and research underpinning genetic and genomic evaluations in dairy and beef cattle, goats and sheep in the UK over 30 years and in the development of innovative genomic approaches to livestock genetic improvement in low-input environments at ILRI.

    He is a member of Technical committee of INTERBULL, the organization in charge of international dairy cattle evaluations, an auditor for the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and research consultant supporting the FAO/IAEA coordinated research project on the Application of Nuclear and Genomic Tools. He has been lecturing on the Edinburgh University MSc course on Quantitative Genetics and Genome (QGG) since 2005, a co-teacher at the international course on QGG at ILRI-BeCA and principal instructor at similar courses in South Korea, Romania, Turkey, Nigeria and Kenya. He is the author of the text, ‘Linear models for the Prediction of Breeding Values, now in its third edition, co-author of 2 other textbooks, author of 2 book chapters and have over 55 peer-reviewed papers. He has been a member of the Editorial Board, American Journal of Animal Science and he is the Assistant Section Editor on Animal genetics

  • Food Technology, Nutritional Sciences, Livestock Production and Aquaculture (Session II)

    Prof Ranil Coorey

    Director Learning and Teaching

    School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Curtin University, ASUTRALIA

    Professor Ranil Coorey obtained his BSc in Food Technology from the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1991. He then went on to pursuing his Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology at Curtin University, Perth, Australia and completed the same in 1996. Further, Professor Coorey completed his PhD at Curtin University in 2008. Professor Coorey has worked in the food industry in different countries for many years before joining Curtin University as an academic, where he continues to lecture in food product innovation and food safety. Currently, he is also the Director of Learning and Teaching in the School of Molecular and Life Sciences and former Discipline Leader of the Food Science and Technology program and its Course Coordinator. During his long career in the food industry, he has developed commercial food safety management systems and food products while working mainly in research and development and product innovation. Being a University academic as well as a researcher, he is, currently, engaged in a variety of industry-funded projects on chicken and meat cold-chain-management and safety and product innovation. Moreover, he also holds an international collaborative research project on safe chicken processing, which includes Australia and several African countries, namely, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana and Uganda. Professor Coorey’s other research projects include a large Australian government grant on red meat safety and industry-funded Australian native food processing and safety. Professor Coorey’s projects on Australian native food processing has identified possible unique food ingredients that can now be commercialised. Being a prolific academic writer, he has published extensively in high impact internationally peer reviewed SCI journals. Professor Coorey has supervised numerous MSc and PhD students from around the world, including those from Sri Lanka. Further, he closely works with many Sri Lankan scientists both at Curtin University and Sri Lanka. Professor Coorey was instrumental in establishing a link program between the University of Ruhuna and Curtin University and an MOU to this effect was signed in 2017. As part of the link programme, collaborative research on chicken meat safety, novel food product development etc will be carried out both in Sri Lanka and Australia. Moreover, staff and student exchange programmes, joint undergraduate and postgraduate programmes will also be established between these two Universities.


Article Submission Guidelines

Please Stick to the Guidelines


  • Research findings (for researchers – abstracts/extended abstracts**)

    ** The printed version of the proceedings will include only the abstracts. However, the authors should submit an extended abstract to assist the review process. If any author wishes to publish the full paper, the publication committee will take necessary steps to direct those to the TARE Journal, however the final decision of publication process will be solely depend on the Editorial board of the TARE. 

All the extended abstracts submitted to ISAE 2024 will be subjected to double blind peer review process and, will be published under the condition that all the suggestions made by reviewers are properly addressed and, all the criteria laid by the ISAE editorial board are fulfilled. 

Guidelines for the preparation and submission of Extended Abstracts

The contents of the EXTENDED ABSTRACTS

  • Title page: Only the Title

  • Abstract: Maximum of 350 words.

  • Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords.

  • Introduction: Maximum of 350 words.

  • Materials and Methods: Maximum of 350 words.

  • Results, Discussion and Conclusion/s: Maximum of 800 words. Only one table or figure could be included in this section.

  • References: Maximum of five key references could be included (Please use Harvard Author Date system).

  • Figures and tables may be embedded in the text body and the respective captions and cross-references should be correctly indicated.

  • Figures: Please send the images in jpg format with at least 1024 x 768 size in pixels. Graphs prepared by applications other than MS Excel should be sent as jpg images.

  • Please use the given format for the cross-references and captions Figure 01. / Table 01.

Page settings

  • Page size: A4/ 2.5 cm margin in all sides.

  • Font: Times new roman/ Size 12.

  • Line spacing: 1.5

  • Text alignment: Justified.


Electronic Submission procedure

  1. Click here for online Conference Management Tool (CMT) to enter the submission web page (You need to have an account in Microsoft Conference Management Tool for this submission).
  2. Once you have logged in to the CMT, click on "Create New Submission" link and fill the form with your abstract and submit.

For further clarifications on the guidelines for abstract submission, please contact: 

Dr. AAM Subodinee
Coordinator – ISAE 2024
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture 
University of Ruhuna 
Mapalana, Kamburupitiya 81100
Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 216 , Mobile: +94701156560, E-mail: subodinee@fst.ruh.ac.lk

Dr. BM Jinendra
Secretary – ISAE 2024
Department of Agricultural Engineering & Environmental Technology 
University of Ruhuna 
Mapalana, Kamburupitiya 81100
Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 266 , Mobile: +94772601126, E-mail: jinendra@agri.ruh.ac.lk

Dr. MGG Awanthi
Co-Secretary – ISAE 2024
Department of Agricultural Engineering & Environmental Technology 
University of Ruhuna 
Mapalana, Kamburupitiya 81100
Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 263 , Mobile: +94772548252, E-mail: awanthi@agri.ruh.ac.lk


For Foreign Participants

Following links may be useful to those participating from outside the country

Sri Lankan Visa


Map to the Faculty of Agriculture

Web portal of the Government of Sri Lanka


Registration Fee

Since the very beginning, the goal of the organizing committee of the ISAE is to ensure that the participants enjoy a productive time in a comfortable environment with minimum burden on the participants. Hence, we offer a nominal registration fee, especially for the young emerging researchers. 

Early-Bird Regular
Local Participants    
a) Students 1500 LKR 2000 LKR
b) Non Student (Other) 2500 LKR 3000 LKR
Foreign participants 75 USD 100 USD

Please pay online your registration fee using below link

pay online


Past Symposia

Timeline for the past events.

  • ISAE 2024

    10th May 2024

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2024. "Building Resilient Agri-Food Systems for Nutrition Security and Food Sovereignty"

  • ISAE 2023

    18th May 2023

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2023. “Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural Resources: The Way Forward to Food Security and Economic Development"

  • YGF 2022 - ISAE 2022

    5th December 2022

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022

  • ISAE 2022

    16 June 2022

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2022. “Advanced Technologies, Training and Research for Optimizing Agricultural Production"

  • YGF 2021 - ISAE 2021

    3rd September 2021

    Young Graduates’ Forum Proceedings - 2021. “Challenges in Agriculture: impact, resilience and adaptation for sustainability"

  • ISAE 2021

    7th May 2021

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2021. Challenges in Agriculture: Impact, resilience and adaptation for sustainability

  • ISAE 2020

    14 February 2020

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2020. “Redefining Agricultural & Environmental Policies”: Emerging Challenges and New Horizons

  • ISAE 2019

    28 February 2019

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2019. "Networking for smart agriculture and sustainability of bioresources"

  • ISAE 2018

    18 January 2018

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment – 2018. “Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture Towards Food Security”

  • ISAE 2017

    19 January 2017

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2017. “Greener Agriculture and Environment through Convergence of Technologies

  • ISAE 2016

    13 January 2016

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2016. “Towards a Knowledge-based Bioeconomy”: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions

  • ISAE 2014

    27 November 2014

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2014. "Ensuring Sustainable Development through Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services".

  • ISAE 2013

    28 November 2013

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2013. "Agriculture and Eco-system Health: Balancing the Issues"

  • ISAE 2012

    29 November 2012

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2012. "Research to meet Global Challenges"

  • ISAE 2011

    09 November 2011

    International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment - 2011. "Green Technologies for Sustainable Development"

  • International Symposium 2010

    16 November 2010

    International Symposium 2010. "Sustainable Agriculture for Prosperity"

  • Second National Symposium 2009

    10 September 2009

    National Symposium 2009. "Food for Nation through Innovative Agriculture".

  • National Symposium 2008

    23 October 2008

    National Symposium 2008. "New Frontiers in Agriculture from Farm to Fork"

  • Be Part
    Of Our

Contact Us

ISAE 2024 is administered by a Symposium Organizing Committee (SOC) chaired by the Coordinator. SOC is comprised of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Heads of Departments, Chairpersons of all sub-committees of ISAE 2024. For further information on ISAE 2024, please contact:

Dr. AAM Subodinee

Coordinator – ISAE 2024

Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 216 mobile: +94701156560

Dr. BM Jinendra

Secretary – ISAE 2024

Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 266 mobile: +94772601126

Dr. MGG Awanthi

Co-Secretary – ISAE 2024

Tel: +94 (0) 41-2292200 Ext 263 mobile: +94772548252

Copyright © ISAE 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - Dr. MKDK Piyaratne